When Should I Worry About My Bearded Dragon? 10 Situations to Keep an Eye On
Famous for their distinct personalities and peaceful disposition, bearded dragons are amazing and enthralling companions. But it’s important to be on the lookout for warning indications that your bearded dragon isn’t feeling well as a responsible pet owner.
We’ll look at ten scenarios in this article that should make you more mindful of your scaly friend’s wellbeing.
1. Appetite Changes:
It’s important to take notice if your bearded dragon starts eating less than normal or quits abruptly. Your dragon may be feeling under the weather, just like you might not feel like eating when you’re not feeling well.
This shift in appetite could be brought on by stress, an uncomfortable temperature in their house, or health problems.
Therefore, if your scaly companion seems less interested in their diet, it’s a good idea to look into it and possibly see a veterinarian to make sure your bearded dragon’s health is in good shape.
2. Unexplained Weight Loss:
There may be a problem if your bearded dragon is losing weight without apparent cause. It would be concerning, wouldn’t it, if you suddenly dropped a significant amount of weight without attempting it? Likewise, with your dragon.
These scaly friends may have respiratory infections, metabolic disorders, parasites, or other health difficulties if their weight loss is unexplained. Thus, monitor their weight and consult a veterinarian if there is a noticeable decrease. They can assist in determining what’s wrong and how to support your dragon’s recovery.
3. Abnormal Bowel Movements:
Something may be wrong with your bearded dragon if you notice anything strange in its droppings. If the appearance of your bathroom trips abruptly changed, it would definitely be cause for concern. That also applies to your scaly pal.
Unusual colors, chunks of undigested food, or diarrhea may indicate stomach problems. It might be the result of eating poorly prepared food, parasites, or perhaps a change in nutrition. Observe their feces and consult a veterinarian if you notice anything out of the ordinary. They can assist in resolving your dragon’s stomach problems.
4. Changes in Behavior:
Your bearded dragon will act differently if anything seems strange to you, much like a small alarm clock. Dragons can exhibit changes, just like humans can when they’re ill and feel gloomy or depressed.
Therefore, it may indicate that your normally gregarious and energetic dragon is not feeling well if they start to hide a lot, gets lethargic, or grows irritable. Pay attention to their actions; it’s their way of alerting you to a problem. It could be simple discomfort, illness, or stress.
Consulting a veterinarian can assist in determining the cause of the change and provide advice on how to make your scaly friend feel better if it persists.
5. Respiratory Problems:
It is similar to when humans acquire a cold or find it difficult to take deep breaths when our bearded dragon is having breathing difficulties. Keep an eye out for warning indicators such as strange noises or frequent mouth openings.
These may indicate that your dragon is having trouble breathing. For them, it’s similar to having a stuffy nose. This may occur if their house is very hot or cold, or if they are ill. Your dragon can breathe more easily again if their home is comfortable and they consult the veterinarian if they continue to have breathing problems.
6. Skin Issues:
If the skin on your bearded dragon appears abnormal, it feels similar to discovering a skin anomaly. Look for issues such as lumps, unusual hues, or dry or scaly regions. These could indicate a skin condition in your dragon.
They may have a skin infection or they may not be shedding correctly. Just as we would with cuts or rashes, it is imperative that we frequently examine their skin. A trip to the veterinarian is advised if you notice anything strange. They can diagnose the issue and assist your scaly friend in restoring healthy skin.
7. Eye and Mouth Abnormalities:
The appearance of abnormalities in your bearded dragon’s eyes or mouth is similar to what happens when people have eye swelling or redness. Keep an eye out for symptoms such as dryness, edema, or strange saliva.
These could indicate that your dragon has problems with their mouth or eyes. It can be dental issues or an infection. Check their mouth and eyes frequently, just as you would if you were looking for health problems.
See the vet if something doesn’t seem right. Once they determine the cause, they can restore your scaly friend’s ability to see properly and feed in comfort.
8. Difficulty in Movement:
Your bearded dragon may be experiencing joint pain or difficulty walking, similar to human aches and pains. Look out for symptoms such as difficulty climbing, dragging legs, or limping.
These could indicate that your dragon is having trouble moving. An accident, joint problems, or a condition known as metabolic bone disease could be the cause. It’s the same for them if you can’t move as freely as usual.
Your scaly pet can remain active and happy if you make sure they have the proper light and diet, and if they continue to have movement problems, you can seek assistance from the veterinarian.
9. Frequent Aggression:
Your bearded dragon may be acting cranky all the time, similar to when we have prolonged periods of bad mood. Pay close attention to how they behave, particularly if they start acting aggressively toward you or other dragons. It could indicate that they’re anxious, hurting, or not feeling well. Consider how you may feel about being around people if you were ill.
Likewise, with your dragon. Consulting a veterinarian is a smart option if their grumpiness persists. They can assist in determining the cause of your scaly friend’s discomfort and how to soothe them.
10. Egg-Laying Difficulties (Females Only):
It can be difficult for female bearded dragons to lay eggs at times. Your female dragon may be preparing to lay eggs if she appears restless, digs a lot, or appears uneasy. It’s comparable to how a pregnant woman prepares to give birth.
But issues can arise, and your dragon may find it challenging to lay eggs. It’s critical to seek veterinary assistance if she appears to be struggling or exhibits symptoms of distress, including failing to lay eggs. Throughout this normal procedure, they can guarantee that everything runs properly and that your scaly companion remains healthy.
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You can’t provide your scaly friend with a happy and healthy existence if you’re not sensitive to their well-being. Maintaining good hygiene, paying attention to routines, and acting quickly when necessary can guarantee that your bearded dragon is happy in its surroundings.
Never hesitate to seek advice and appropriate care from a reptile veterinarian if you observe any of the aforementioned circumstances. Keep in mind that resolving possible health issues and preserving the well-being of your cherished bearded dragon depends on early detection and management.
Note: The information presented in this article is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional advice and guidance from a qualified veterinarian or herpetologist. Bearded Dragon care and husbandry can vary based on species and individual needs, so it’s essential to consult with an expert for personalized recommendations.